Backwashing tank with 2.5 cubic feet mineral. Add 6" height for control valve on the top. Don't confuse this premium grade filter with cheap "carbon only" filters. This filter has "Arsenic Boost" that goes after arsenic specifically while still removing things like chlorine, foul smells and tastes, sediment and dirt etc.
S+H $135
Questions? Please call friendly water tech at 1-800-684-0979.
Whole House Backwashing Filter with Arsenic Boost Technology. Removes virtually ALL the arsenic from your water. Most carbon filters can remove SOME arsenic from water. But this filter combines the filtering power of carbon with an arsenic selective resin. To give the carbon an extra “boost”. Which means it is designed to remove virtually ALL of the arsenic from your water in your whole house when properly applied. This backwashing filter is the very best method you can use for true arsenic removal. This filter uses arsenic specific media to remove arsenic from the whole house. And because it also has carbon, it can remove other unwanted substances, tastes, and odors. QUESTIONS? Call and speak with a friendly and knowledgeable water tech. Call toll free: 800-684-0979 Phones answered 24/7 by real humans! And we will never ask you to buy anything. Email us: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com. Visit our website at waterfiltersofamerica.com